For Black History Month, Blacksmiths artists worked on projects to highlight, not only the past accomplishments of Black people but our present experiences. I collaborated with motion designer Ian Bolden to create a piece highlighting the importance of spending time in nature! As Black people, we aren’t often seen or depicted as the prototypical camper, hiker, or adventurer. However, everyone can learn from and enjoy our natural world. 

Animation, additional details, and behind-the-scenes here.

Illustration by Gabrielle Patterson 
Animation and SFX by Ian Boldon ​​​​​​​
In March 2021, Blacksmiths members made pieces to highlight incredible women in STEAM fields for Women’s History Month. Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson was my pick, and ever since then, I have been enjoying listening to her podcast and learning from her writing. 

Link to animation
Illustration and animation by Gabrielle Patterson. 
To learn more about Dr. Johnson, please visit her website:
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